There is much posting on social media about one’s word for 2013. My word for last year was Renaissance and I felt that High Renaissance wanted to kick into 2013, however Time told Renaissance you know what …

Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, hands

Creation, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel

Abundance. I know the word “abundance” has been overdone however it’s one of my words for 2013. It’s one of the spiritual laws in Diana Cooper‘s A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws. “Abundance is your birthright. Open up to receive it.”   Abundance allows me to have three words for 2013.

Time.  Julia Cameron says make “time your friend” and friend I intend to make it. Yes, it’s mid January and this really should have been my first post however as with all good friends, any time is a good time.

Daydream. Here’s a New York Times article Discovering the Virtues of a Wandering Mind in support.  I’ll get back to you about the benefits I find in daydreaming …

Choosing a word and writing it down is powerful.  What’s your word for 2013?

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  1. adriana says:

    they sound just perfect… mine! LOVE… love everything including real estate agents too… we finally bought a house! yipp horrrrah!

  2. pixelrites says:

    Yes, love LOVE A! Congratulations on the House!

  3. Michele Seminara says:

    my word…creation!

  4. Yes, LOVE for all but, in the spirit of your “abundance” suggestion, I’m also going for HOPE, JOY and FEARLESSNESS.

  5. pixelrites says:

    I love your words and hope you encounter them regularly.

  6. ambradambra says:

    My word will be “acceptance” – as much as I hate to admit it. Going to be hard to go with the status quo but in this particular instance, that’s life.

  7. I love this post Dianne especially your phrase ‘any time is a good time’. My word for this year will be ‘purpose’, particularly ‘hidden purpose’ because I am entranced by the idea of those insights which are revealed to us when we least expect them. These are the gifts of a life well lived.

  8. pixelrites says:

    I like the word ‘purpose’ Amanda and yes ‘hidden purpose’ is another matter again … Thank you for sending me the link of Sir Laurence Oliver’s theme to Time the Musical. It’s wonderful! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jfULvR2noaE#!

  9. sethsnap says:

    Betterment—-It’s time to make some much needed improvements in my life. Great post.

  10. pixelrites says:

    Thanks. I like betterment – conveys excellence with grace and ease.

  11. Connie says:

    Hi!! What a lovely blog. So nice to meet a kindred spirit. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Loved the blog, and loved the Monkees – took me back!!!!

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